Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A bicycle built for one

So, after recovering from some serious jetlag, by sleeping until 14:00, (...don't worry I woke up for the free breakfast. I just went right back to sleep...)I decided that I wanted to go see El Parque del Buen Retiro (the park of good rest)...you know, because I needed some rest after all that resting. Actually, I read that it was a cool place to go on Sundays because everyone goes there on Sundays. But taking the metro seemed to be old hat. I decided to rent a bike. What started out as a simple trip to the park turned into a full day of a self guided tour of the city. It's awesome! Here are some pictures:

  • Me in front of the Royal Palace

  • Conventa de las Saelas Reales

  • Opera House

  • Almudena Cathedral

  • Templo de Bodad

  • Palace overlooking Madrid

  • Plaza Mayor

  • Iglesia de los Jeronimos

  • Parque del Buen Retiro

  • Palacio de Cristal

  • Monumento a Alfonso XII

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